Annual Meeting Information
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Transmission Services
New York Transco provides transmission services pursuant to the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT). Here is the link to the OATT for NY Transco’s tariff provisions:
NOTE: For NY Transco tariff provisions: Click on the “Tariffs” tab, Select the “OATT” and “PDF-Select Sections” sub-tabs. Scroll down to and Select “NYISO OATT, 36 OATT Attachment DD…” then Click “View/Print PDF”
NOTE: For the Operating Agreement between the NYISO and the New York Transco: Click on “Dockets” tab, select “NYISO”, and Scroll down to and Click on “ER-18-2015-000”

Annual Informational Filing and Revenue Requirement Determination
New York Transco provides an annual informational filing pursuant to the OATT. This annual informational filing provides the Annual True-up calculation for the Year 2017, comparing the amounts billed for services in 2017 to the actual revenue requirement. The latest Annual Informational Filing for calendar year 2017 can be found at the following link: Document Link
NOTE: On, use the search feature (magnifying glass) on the top banner menu and search for “NY Transco”

Revenue Requirement Determination
Each September 30th, New York Transco determines its revenue requirement for the subsequent calendar year that the NYISO will bill to all load serving entities in New York State. The revenue requirement determination for 2018 can be found at the following link: Document Link
NOTE: On, use the search feature (magnifying glass) on the top banner menu and search for “NY Transco”